ThermoChemTM HT-2000
By taking advantage of the effect that a heated perfusate can have on cancer cells, this advanced medical technology offers a new choice in adjunctive surgical oncology therapies.
Used intraoperatively in conjunction with cytoreduction, the ThermoChem™ HT Series of hyperthermic systems raise temperature in the intraperitoneal cavity by continuously lavaging a heated solution.
Specifically designed for temperature maintenance at a therapeutic level through a higher flow to keep both inflow and outflow fluid temperatures at approximately 42-43°C
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HurriChem by ThermaSolutions
HurriChem™ contains a wand and high pressure tubing. It is a single-use device used to aerosolize liquids for delivery into body cavities during laparoscopy/minimally invasive surgery.
The HurriChem™ is inserted via a minimal access port with a minimum diameter of 10 mm. The HurriChem and the high-pressure tubing is connected to an injector pump system.
HurriChem Irrigator for FDA HurriChem for CE (non-US)